This remission dataset

documents - and provided the means of - my losing 100 pounds of fat and rendering myself, according to my doctor, "no longer diabetic" within a year of diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Despite my doctor's use of the word at the time, I don't claim to have "cured" myself. By this expert consensus definition, I achieved remission, having reached and sustained normal levels of blood glucose (blood sugar).

Type 2 diabetics who can achieve remission, or normoglycemia (euglycemia), are as close to a cure as is possible for a disorder characterized as chronic (no cure) and progressive (only gets worse). Remission can vastly improve quality of life and can forestall T2D's usual progression through comorbidities toward premature death.

Day-to-day data are self-reported. Medical outcomes are documented by Kaiser-Permanente.

what they don't say (enough)

Distortions and omissions in the diabetes discourse are a recurring theme here - usually how:
My top-of-mind short list for the biggest diabetes information gaps* includes: 
In short, diabetes usually cannot be resolved by, as one pharmaceutical company shamelessly touts, "simple changes."

Of course, those of us with type 2 diabetes have it "easy." Those with type 1 can match all of the above point for point (with some variation) besides being burdened with:
  • fewer treatment options 
  • a more painstaking, invasive, and wearying—and typically decades longer—self-care routine
  • immediate and potentially mortal risks that can come from monitoring and treatment errors
Cheery thoughts for a sunny winter's day! Well, they asked.*

Good heath and good luck,

* This theme was suggested by an online survey for people affected by diabetes to gather "missing" information—"gaps" in what we hear and read—to incorporate into educational videos. WEGO Health, a platform for online health activists, made donations to diabetes organizations as part of their survey promotion. I didn't know much about the sponsors at the time, but thought they were asking the right questions. Edited from the original post: 2012-02-03.

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